Why Siberian Cats Are Exceptionally Healthy
The Benefits of a Diverse Gene Pool and Natural Origins

The Siberian cat breed is known for its exceptional health and resilience, largely due to its natural origin and diverse gene pool. Unlike many other purebred cats, which are often plagued by genetic issues caused by inbreeding, Siberians have been less affected by the negative effects of a limited gene pool. Inbreeding, common in many pedigree breeds, can lead to the amplification of genetic disorders and predispose cats to various health problems. These issues, such as heart disease, joint problems, and respiratory conditions, are frequently seen in certain purebred cats that have been bred too closely to maintain specific physical traits.
Another issue of inbreeding is possibility of inbred depression.
Inbred depression occurs when a cat's genetic diversity is limited due to inbreeding, leading to weakened immune function and increased susceptibility to diseases. This lack of genetic variation can result in a compromised immune system, making the cat more prone to infections, illnesses, and overall health issues. Breeds with higher levels of inbreeding often experience these negative effects, which can shorten their lifespan and quality of life.
In contrast, Siberian cats have remained a relatively untouched, natural breed, evolving over centuries in the harsh climates of Siberia. Their large, diverse gene pool has allowed them to develop into strong, hardy cats with fewer hereditary diseases. As a result, Siberians are less likely to suffer from the genetic health problems that afflict many other breeds. Their robust immune systems and ability to thrive in extreme conditions make them one of the healthiest and most durable cat breeds.
The absence of inbreeding in the Siberian cat's lineage is one of the primary reasons for their superior health, allowing them to enjoy longer, healthier lives compared to many other pedigreed cats. This natural development has contributed to the breed's reputation for being an exceptionally healthy choice for cat owners looking for a low-maintenance companion.

Foundation native Siberian cats are an important part of the ongoing development of the Siberian breed. These cats, often sourced from rural areas in Siberia, maintain the breed's natural characteristics and genetic diversity. They are still being introduced to the breed's gene pool after being carefully evaluated and certified by professional judges and breed experts. The certification process ensures that these cats meet the high standards of the Siberian breed, while also contributing to its robust genetic foundation.
Our sire, Kazimir Malevich Starsiberia, has a rare foundation line in his pedigree, which is unique in North America. His maternal grandfather, Barin Stepan Vasilevich (Starsiberia Cattery in Chelyabinsk, Russia) is a native Siberian cat with exceptional breed characteristics and personality. He was found in the wild and certified as a foundation cat to enhance the bloodline. He passed all genetic tests and was found to have remarkable health, free from any diseases. Barin is now enjoying his happy retirement with his owner.
Our breeding cats are not related and come from different lines, even from various regions of Russia. The inbreeding percentage for our kittens is 0%. We uphold responsible breeding practices, with our primary focus on the health and longevity of our cats. This ensures that cat owners can fully enjoy their precious time with their beloved feline companions. All of our cats have friendly, outgoing personalities, are deeply attached to people, enjoy playtime, and actively participate in the daily activities of the family. They sleep through the night and are energetic and curious throughout most of the day, except for a lovely nap. You can learn more about each of our cats in the Our Cats section. Enjoy!